Sunday, March 8, 2015

Learning Language and Its Benefit in Health

Foreign language learning process has many benifits, it will make our social relationship better, communication will be structured, and the intellegency will increase. Language is unique, in every minutes, hour, day, month, and year, the words and sentences will be formed.Beside those benifits, there is still a benifit things in health. How come? Let’s find out. . . .

Well, the language involve the brain ability, it will make the brain work harder and connect each other neuron in forming the language. Based on the study which is published by Neurology journal, a person who is master in two languages or even more (polyglot) has a dementia (mental disease) 4,5 years slower than monolanguage speaker. 

Dementia is brain function decrease caused by disorder in the brain. People suffered with dementia will hard to think and it will make activity disturbed. Dementia refered to certain symtoms such as memory lost and lack of attention, visual perseption decrease, those are because of the brain cells damage.

According to Dr. Thomas Bak from Scotland’s University of Edinburgh, people who have language ability more than one language will always train the brain to choose the right words, and it will make the brain active along thier life.

In summary, if we learn a foreign language, it will make our brain healthy. Learning language is not always in the school, but also in the street, internet, and books. So, let’s learn foreign language and make our world better, better in carrier, social, intelligent, and health.

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